Abolishment of Loyalty Day and Establishment of Liberty Day
Dear Members of Congress: The founding fathers of this country established a government which conveyed rights of liberty to its citizens. During the revolution, their efforts were hindered by those that sought to remain loyal to the crown of England, rather than pursue independence and liberty. It is for this reason that we demand the abolishment of the \"Loyalty Day\" holiday - a day which is proposed as a time for citizens to reaffirm their loyalty to the state. The founding principles of this great country are in direct opposition to the concept of \"loyalty to the state.\" Our government exists to protect the individual liberties of its citizens, and to allow those citizens to pursue those liberties despite what might be popular to the majority, or desired by the state. \"Loyalty Day\" is a slap in the face of those very principles. We request the establishment of a new holiday, Liberty Day, to take the place of Loyalty Day. Liberty Day should be a time of reflection, education, and celebration of the principles of liberty and the joys, opportunities, and responsibilities it brings to those who have it. Please end the foolishness that is Loyalty Day, and establish a holiday which celebrates the very core of our country, our history, and our guiding philosophy: Liberty. Sincerely,