Liberty & Justice for HOPE and for ALL!
Liberty & Justice for HOPE and for ALL!
Dear Friends of the innocent & helpless!
We are calling upon you to sign a petition to bring about Justice for HOPE, a sweet & innocent pit bull that was found starved & near death at the hand of her owner/abuser. We are asking the court to impose the maximum penalties allowed by law for these animal cruelty charges. In rallying together to seek serious punishment for companion animal abusers, we HOPE to also springboard a movement to create stricter laws that impose severe punishment & hefty penalties on those that abuse & neglect animals in the State of SC! We as law abiding, tax paying citizens demand our legal system take a serious stand in the fight to stop animal abuse. Let’s show that we will not tolerate such criminal behavior. We HOPE our persistence will also bring about change for the greater good throughout this fine country of ours! In GOD we trust…Liberty & Justice for ALL, not just humans. A crime is a crime, regardless of whether the victim is a human or an animal; all are living, feeling beings and deserve proper treatment, love and respect. Please read HOPE’s Story and help us by signing, sharing and writing to the Judge… HOPE was discovered on March 16th of 2013 chained in a yard on the outskirts of Greenville, SC in an area called Conestee. Fortunately for HOPE, the crew of Carmen’s Rescue from Greenville, SC made a wrong turn and discovered this poor, neglected girl. Neglect can often be one of the worst forms of abuse. The photo posted here from the day she was found speaks volumes in itself! HOPE was starving, emaciated, and could barely stand due to weakness and the weight of the extremely heavy tow chain she bore around her neck. There were curious open wounds on both front legs that went deep to the bone and were infested with maggots. This poor, innocent baby would surely have died from starvation, dehydration and infection had she not been saved. After finding no one at home, Carmen’s crew fed HOPE and alerted animal control that they would be removing HOPE from the abusive home and taking her immediately to an emergency vet clinic in Greenville. Charges were pressed against the abusive owner and HOPE would not be returning to that dreadful situation.
The loving crew member of Carmen’s Rescue that discovered HOPE gave a statement to Animal Control & submitted all evidence (picture, video, and vet report) and then they waited to hear about the charges being brought upon the abuser. Weeks and more than a month went by with no answers to phone calls or emails requesting information about HOPE’s case. We all decided to pull together and write emails and send them to animal control requesting the prosecution of HOPE’s abuser; we would not allow another animal abuse case to be conveniently swept under the rug! After hundreds of emails poured into Greenville’s Animal Control Office, a court day was appointed with charges of cruelty pending. We have decided to rally together with signs outside of the courthouse on that day, May 31st at 9am. We are demanding the maximum sentence for HOPE’s criminal abuser. We would like to have thousands of signatures supporting HOPE and our call to bring justice for her and all animals unfairly abused. ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US!!! UPDATE NEW COURT DATE THIS FRIDAY8/30/13! HOPE has come a long way, but she is experiencing the long term effects of abuse now. She has heart & lung problems due to an enlarged heart from heartworm infestation and her condition is so delicate that it would be dangerous to give her the full heartworm treatment at this time. HOPE did nothing wrong to deserve this abuse. A heinous crime has been committed and the perpetrator must be punished, thereby sending a message to All "would be abusers” that this willNOT be tolerated. Please send an email (No Phone CallsPlease) requesting Justice for HOPE by giving the Maximum Penalties/Sentencing possible to the offender, Jeremy T. Green, Case# 2308195, for his horrific abuse of HOPE.Court datewaschangedfromMay 31st, 2013 -to THISFriday 8/30/13 at 9amatThe Greenville CountySquare- BenchTrial. Please send your letters viaEMAIL ONLYto: The Honorable Michael Don Stokes – Greenville County Summary Court- PO Box 97, Tigerville, SC 29688 Email: Note* The Offender- Jeremy T. Green of Greenville County has a criminal record to include Assault & Battery and Drug Possession, as many abusers do have criminal records. Our animals need protection from such criminals! Never Give Up HOPE! ...She didn’t.
Click the linkBelow entitled HOPEto viewHope’s First Video!
Thank You for your love & support!