Liberty County School System Dress Code Change

We as students of the Liberty County School System are tired of being forced to wear uniforms. In response we have decided to make this petition to change this reality.
Reasons for change include but aren’t limited to:
-People can’t afford school clothes and non-uniform clothes
-Non-uniform clothes are less expensive and more available then uniform clothes
-The parents who complained about the uniforms are no longer involved within the school system and the mindset overall has changed
-The fact that bullying and suicide still exists in Liberty County and beyond even with dress codes proves that uniforms do not correlate with a decrease in bullying
-Dress code infractions take up excess class time when being sent to the office for a dres code violation for something simple such as not having a belt versus, wearing something appropriate that doesn’t require a belt, or any other item to be considered appropriate and non-distracting
-Students do not care about things like name brands, students come to school daily with House slippers and western boots and there isn’t bullying because of it we as students are mature enough to handle people’s individual styles, differences, and, economic status and not judge
-Parents can’t afford to purchase school supplies, uniforms, and non-uniforms, and lunch and other high school expenses, so getting rid of uniforms would financially relieve parents of the hassle of having to find uniforms that would fit students that are affordable and lasts throughout the school year
Students aren’t as enthusiastic about school when being forced to conform to a strict school, dress code there is no sense of individuality or personal style
Please sign this petition in support of change, so that we can finally have the basic freedom and fundamental right of individuality and comfort.