LHMBC Membership Demand for Change
The community of Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church has been caught off guard by the conflicting stories and inconsistent verbiage as to why Pastor Reverend Doctor Elliott Cuff is no longer the senior pastor of our church family. The voice of the Church as a whole is not represented according to the current writings of our church constitution and by-laws. We [the people] are the Church and decisions such as the one that lead to Pastor Reverend Doctor Elliott Cuff no longer being the senior pastor of the Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church, exposes our Church to unjustified ridicule and endangers the spiritual growth and well-being of the our body. [1 Cor. 12:12-27, “The principle of inclusion in the body of Christ.”]
Without complete information transparency, we, the congregation will never know whether or not the decision made by the church leadership is: made using biblical or worldly insight; a moral or non-moral issue. The continued non-responsive attitude of the current and past leadership, to requests for accountability on performance metrics, carnality or whether it is a power struggle born by fleshly thinking and/or tradition have only aided in spreading mistrust and discord among the congregation. Such decision on the surface question judgment and breeds divisive noise. We need to consider and have spiritually qualified, competent, measured, and objective leaders who make decisions with wisdom and forethought [I Tim. 3:8-13, Acts 6:1-6, “The qualifications for deacon leadership”]
- We, the congregation of Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church, call for an immediate meeting date to be set for the sole purpose of reviewing, and amending of the LHMBC Constitution, By-laws to reflect the will of the congregational majority.
- We, the congregation of Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church, call for a review of the current deacons and trustees job descriptions, authority, and current job performance by the membership of the Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church to include a vote of no confidence should the membership find them lacking in fulfilling their job duties.
If you, the congregants of Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church, agree and believe that we should be given respect and should have a voice in what transpires in our church home, Please Show your support by signing this petition for change. ONLY UNITED CAN WE BRING ABOUT CHANGE! Please read: Matthew 18:19-20.
Feel free to SHARE this petition with ANY Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church Member.