LGCC Vet Tech Program

LaGuardia Community College (LGCC) in Queens offers the only American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) approved veterinary technology program in NYC. LGCC is a City University of New York (CUNY) college which enrolls a diverse working class student body. The veterinary technology (vet tech) program began in the 1980's after a needs assessment survey was done and showed a great need for this program in the NYC area.
The NY State Board of Education licenses veterinary technicians, and only licensed vet techs can perform certain procedures in veterinary hospitals and clinics. LVT's are in demand and many private practices, zoos, aquariums, research institutions, colleges, humane organizations, shelters, rehabilitation centers, emergency response teams etc. depend on LVT's. The standards of veterinary medicine are set high and the need for quality LVT's is vital. In a NY Times Business Day article (11/16/12) on job prospects, vet tech job projection shows an increase of 52% by 2020. However, in Spring 2013 LGCC downsized the incoming vet tech class to 30 students from 48 students, and in the Fall 2013 semester the college may eliminate the use of live animals from the program. Considering the increase of VT specialties, it is now even more important to have qualified well-trained graduates of this program and the humane use of well cared for animals is the heart of this successful program. The proposed changes in the vet tech program at LGCC could happen anywhere in the country. Many phases of animal and human health care will be degraded if educational programs for LVT's are jeopardized. The veterinary profession, the animals it serves and the public all deserve to have a quality educational vet tech program within NYC.
We request CUNY LGCC perform a new needs assessment before any changes are made to this quality program which boasts a very high licensing pass rate for its graduates. Now is the time to increase (not decrease) student entry numbers for the vet tech program, and the use of live animals is critical to this unique and successful CUNY program.