Vic Mignogna on "Glee"
READ ME! --->This is a petition for Vic Mignogna to be on "Glee"!!! On the Dennis Deniel Show he said that he LOVED "Glee" and im sure his fans (also fans of glee) would LOVE for him to be on it!! UPDATE! My stepdad, Michael works for FOX and he said that 25 THOUSAND signatures would GET THEIR ATTENTION! So 25,00+ is my goal. THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH TO ALL PARTICIPANTS!!!! Especially you parents out there! I know my mom wouldnt sign something like this for me unless i told her to! VIC LOVES THE IDEA! i told him about it and he was VERY grateful! ANOTHER UPDATE! to the person who was leaving mean comments and saying no, I have met Vic and he is an AMAZING person! And when I was typing this I was tired and I fixed all my gramatical errors. Are you happy? There is no need to be rude. Also, if you dont like Vic, then why did you sign in the first place?! Why were you looking at it?!
MOST IMPORTANT PART!! --->And to everyone who signs more than once, you dont have to. If it takes you to a place that asks you to pay, you dont have to! Just go back and do whatever you were doing (you can exit out of a tab or whatever), it still has your signature! And dont try signing more than once with the same email. I go back every now and then and delete the ones with the same email and/or name.
AND ANOTHER THING ---->And one more thing: please dont go by anonymous. I mean you can, im not forcing you to put your name. I just want to know who to thank and such.