Levite Association SYATP PETITION(See You At The Pole)
Jackie Williams 0

Levite Association SYATP PETITION(See You At The Pole)

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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Dear Levite Youth and Parents It\'s tough being a Christian student today. you\'re forced to make a lot of choices about who you are, and who you\'re not. You\'re supposed to be deciding on your future, when the present is hard enough to deal with. You have a lot of dividing lines drawn for you. They\'re invisible, but you see them clearly every day. The grade you\'re in, the kind of grades you make, overachievers, underachievers, geniuses, slackers. The groups you hang with--jocks, preps, goths, gamers, or geeks. As a Christian, the church you attend, how you pray, the way you worship, and how we interpret the Bible. And yeah, even in 2007 race can still divide. Many of us are asking,Where do I belong Who cares about me Why don\'t I fit in See You at the Pole(SYATP) isn\'t about groups, grades, clothes, or churches. It\'s about praying. It\'s about all of us coming together and laying aside all the labels for one day, simply to call out to God, just as Jesus did in John 17 and say,Lord, may we be one in you--whether jocks, preps, geeks, Pentecostals, Baptists, Catholics, freshmen, or seniors--may the world believe that You are real and have sent us to touch other through you, regardless of the dividing lines drawn by a broken world! So are you in Are you ready whatever group you\'re in, to join us in the circle Join your generation of faith on Wednesday, September 26,2008 at 7 a.m., GATHER at your school flagpole, UNITE in the name of the One Who died to save you, and PRAY for your school, friends, and families. COME TOGETHER, just as Jesus prayed we would. If you believe that this is something that you would like to see take place at your school or your child\'s school at the beginning of the school year please sign the petition at the bottom. Kid\'s will be praying all across this Country. Join us by signing the petition below. Thank you for your help and support. In your Service Moderator Jackie Williams


We are the Levite Association and we are one of five Associations within the Connecticut State Missionary Baptist Convention. The President of the Connecticut State Missionary Baptist Convention is the Rev. Dr.Boise Kimber,Pastor of first Calvary Missionary Baptist Church and the Moderator of the Levite Association is Rev. Jackie H. Williams Jr, Pastor of the Mt Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in New Haven CT. There are 14 churches that is represented within the Levite Association with a common goal to represent Christ in our communities through prayer and service.
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