Letter TO Barack Obama
Dear President Obama, I appreciate the effort to be diplomatic, but we know you can do better because we are already doing better on our own. How about we go for the gold??? How about we get the spirit of the great country to lift its sights to a day when we are no longer dependent on OIL for the overwhelming majority of our infrastructure??? That is a site worth working for at all levels. We have ALL the tools necessary for inventing a limitless future of energy and transportation that is not reliant upon the limited resources that the OIL industry has wrought in to the fabric of our experience. Our blind greed and need for dangerous disposable plastic items has created this for us, and our consumption is the primary factor in this saga. Here's what WE can do with our pocketbook. This is what we are organizing since it obviously can't come from an administration controlled by the interests of lobbyists with unlimited financial resources. These people obviously don't communicate in terms of self-respect for the Natural world that produced their species, so we will communicate with their favorite and universal language. Currency, money, cash. 1. Criminalize or heavily tax the use of plastic bags, disposable plastic products, diapers, toys, straws, lids, and everything being found churning in the tonnes of waste floating in the ocean gyres around the world. We are killing our species, and every species with our plastic addiction. 2. Phase out the use of the Internal Combustion Engine, especially those used in automobiles and/or mandate the use of hybrid technologies in ALL CARS by the year 2015. 3. Make the oil companies pay for the clean up. Not just $69 million, but a place a moratorium on a large percentage of the profits earned from sales of OIL in the United States. 4. STOP FIGHTING WARS. It's 2010. When are we going to learn that WE ARE ALL ONE? ALL HUMANS!! WE ARE ONE. I would think this is obvious to you as president who understands life in Hawaii, where ohana is the word of the land and the source. Your war needs OIL. Stop fighting yourself. We armed those countries to begin with. For what? To then fight them with the weapons we gave them? Absurd. Stop making weapons to kill. Make weapons to invent new energy. 5. Our military is one of the most well trained and compassionate forces of creative power on Earth. Why are we using it to fight? Why not use it to create??? To spread the type of condition that precedes all need for violence at the source? To help people, yes PEOPLE, establish a quality of life worldwide where they can live sustainably and peacefully with good old fashioned food grown around communities, peacefully. If we took these five steps toward fulfilling our potential, we would be able to live peacefully and wholly for generations as one balanced human organism capable of all that's imagined and believed to be inconceivable by today's cultural standards. We will vote with our pocketbooks, we'll stop buying plastics, we'll make every effort to make engines, and our dependency upon oil obsolete. Either the companies will turn to invent the forms of energy we are buying and inventing on our own (such as the bloom box), we'll run out of oil, or we'll choke on all the money that won't have any value when we're facing mass extinction just as we begin to rediscover we are not above Nature, but a part of it since the dawn of Creation. Please listen, and don't take us to be pessimistic. We're organizing to include everyone in this transformation. We're highly tuned to the ancient ways of being, we are the ones that built this incredibly beautiful world of man, and the ones that will continue to help it evolve. Help us architect a new dawn. Thank you, The People of Earth