Let's support President Barrack Obama: IE his plan
Big business billionaires, you wanted a tax break, you got it for nearly forty years. You were supposed to create jobs and build the American economy. You didn’t do that. You took the tax break i.e. middle class money and move American jobs overseas, and crippled the American middle class people. You kept us from pursuing the American dream for ourselves. Good grief. Why couldn't you export your non-patriot, and un-American selves over seas? Good thing there was no real penalty for taking the hard earned wealth of the middle class and doing no good with it. I'm sure the American people thank you for our crippled economy.
We re-elected President Barack Obama because we, the majority believe in the vision he has for shrinking the national deficit. I for one would like to see President Obama’s ending of the trickle-down economic effect, which needs to end! And yet here we have, John Boehner and the tea party, rejecting Our President and his mandate for economic reform! I feel very upset at, John Boehner and the tea party!’ And I for one wish a petition could cause him to be fired. We need to replace them with a team that would respect our President and work with President Obama’s vision, we the people of The United States of America have voted for.
It is obvious to me that, John Boehner and the tea party do not like nor do they respect our wonderful President and I for one feel, John Boehner and the tea party simply refuse what President Obama brings to the table. Even though, we the people, support him. I say John Boehner, think about the American People instead of yourself and the interests of the mega-rich.
I’m urging, you the American people, stand with me and sign this petition and demand, like Joe Biden has, the tax rise on the mega-rich is a mandate! It is time the billionaires pay their fair share. No more robbing the middle class or victimizing the helpless. You have a human obligation to defend the defenseless and see to the needs of the needy. Repent and be who you were meant to be… human.
Sign this petition and demand that John Boehner and the tea party respect President Obama’s plan which we the American people voted for by re-electing President Barack Obama, let’s support our wonderful president and stand by his plan to raise the tax on the mega-rich!
Okay I just have to say it! GOP you spent 2.2 billion dollars for Romney's electoral run. It should shame you that you would be willing to spend so much to protect your right to take from this nation rather than except your responsibilities to pay your taxes like everyone else does. I’m asking you all to reconsider your position and do what is right. Ask John Boehner to concede to President Barack Obama for the survival the nation.