Teagan Retchless 0

Lets shut down disgusting Ashley Madison website that condones having an affair!!!

414 signers. Add your name now!
Teagan Retchless 0 Comments
414 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

You may have heard of the website known as Ashley Madison. The moment I heard about it I wanted to throw up! This website, exists for the sole purpose of condoning extra-marrital affairs. Currently, it has over 12,475,000 members!!! Ashley Madison's motto is: "Life is short. Have an affair." Just when you think it couldn't get any worse, this company targets overweight people suggesting in one of their adds (with the vivid image of a severely obese woman) that when your partner puts on weight, it's inevitable that you will have an affair. This destructive, offensive, obscene company needs to be shut down, asap! Currently it is destroying millions of families and tearing people apart. Nobody even really could know the EXTENT of damage that this website has caused to people's lives. The CEO typically uses an argument along these lines to back up his company when it is in the line of fire (which it often is): "If people are going to have an affair, they will do it anyway regardless of whether my site existed or not." Whilst it's definitely true that many people will find a way to have an affair, actually FACILITATING this destructive behaviour is another issue altogether. It is similar to saying to a child, "you are not allowed to eat junk foods and I don't want you watching TV and using the computer all night after school" whilst filling their lunch boxes with unhealthy snacks, having the cupboards stocked full of junk food, putting a TV in their bedroom and leaving them unsupervised to do as they please. Facilitating destructive behaviour means that the facilitator plays a big part in the problem. If you want to support this effort by a young 24-year old girl up against the Goliath that is called Ashley Madison, I urge you to sign the petition!!! Thank you for your time :-)

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