Let's Save WATER instead of MONEY !!!
We all have seen parents or grandparents saving money for the future of their children but our next generations won't be needing preserved money instead they'd be needing preserved water. Yes, this is high time when we should wake up and face the fact that we do waste a lot of water and this water shouldn't be wasted. If you think I'm kidding then you may have a look at this report :https://www.bbc.com/news/world-42982959
Conserving water is no more an opportunity instead it's now our responsibility. And to follow this responsibility let's try to follow the 100 ways to preserve water:
If you agree with me then let's take a pledge and sign this petition.
PLEDGE: Today I take a pledge that I will conserve water and also convince others to save water. I'll reuse water whenever possible. I'll make sure that no one destroys the future. I'll conserve every possible drop of water. I'm joining my hands to preserve water and would try to fulfill the petition.