Let's not return Novi to full time in person learning
Dear Novi Families,
The purpose of this petition is to share the voice of the parents/students in your district as it pertains to the continuation of hybrid learning, with a virtual option.
On August 7th, 2020, Dr. Matthews asked the parents in the district to commit to either 100% virtual learning or a hybrid option that was promised to be "a robust learning experience". The hybrid model hasn't been great, but I guess you can't expect it to be perfect after Michigan residents were told countless times to quarantine and social distance and didn't, right? I guess Covid was "just the flu", because I guess the flu kills over a million people in less than a year.
After the school board meeting held virtually on October 1st, 2020, it is clear that the intention of Dr. Matthews is to extend this commitment through the end of January 2021. We, knowing that our children could be potentially killed, with their immune systems at great risks, understand.
The following are the expectations of the parents and tax payers in the Novi Community School District:
- Continue the hybrid learning experience effective November 9, 2020 for all NCSD schools, as a means to keep our children safe
- Offer a 100% virtual option for anyone who prefers this.
- Provide a survey to the parents of the district to determine how many students would be hybrid vs. virtual.
- Provide a weekly plan to roll out the continuation of hybrid and virtual learning
We respect and are grateful for the teachers in the NCSD for all they have done to educate our children during the unprecedented times. Our students NEED you and they need you, but our safety and health is most important right now, and we thank you for all you have done for us.