Jackie Annett 0

Let's make the Wells Rd crossing in Bristol safer for our families.

24 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jackie Annett 0 Comments
24 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I just witnessed another near accident on the Wells Rd crossing in Totterdown. A woman and her dog nearly got run over by a car that failed to stop and only screeched to a halt at the last minute barely missing her and her dog. This happens daily. I have a young daughter who I do not let got to Tesco's on her own because she may not come back alive but then I go and I may not come back alive and I'm her only carer. I know a lot of my neighbours agree, so please share and sign to raise awareness of this issue. For too long I've thought about doing something about this – but now it's time to take action! Before long there will be a nasty accident so we need to do something today. Also,as pedestrians we have to wait too long for the lights to go on red which means some people get impatient and take risks.It's about time the council put pedestrians first, we know it's a busy road but surely safety should be paramount. This petition is being sent direct to Karin Smyth Labour MP, so please show me your support by signing today!

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