Lets make public transport better in Auckland
Aditya Parab Auckland 0

Lets make public transport better in Auckland

23 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Aditya Parab Auckland 0 Comments
23 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are students from Auckland Normal Intermediate. Lately you may have noticed that the services from Auckland Transport have been becoming more disrupted with buses being canceled and full. We are creating a petition to make public transport free and more reliable.

By signing this petition you will be contributing to make.

  • Public transport in Auckland free.
  • Making AT investigate more into peak times so that double decker buses can be placed during peak times
  • AT making buses more frequent.
  • Making buses more reliable.
  • Making all bus companies in Auckland one so that AT can have more buses used as public transport and can have more driver

Please sign this petition to help us create a cleaner Auckland with less cars on the road to help more of the public take public transport.

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