Let's Make Greeley Park Accessible to All!

Please only sign this petition if you live in Nashua, NH, agree that Greeley Park should be accessible to all, and understand that your petition information will be delivered to the Nashua, NH Board of Aldermen. Your zip code is required to ensure that you are a Nashua resident, but will not appear on the online signatures page. Limit one signature per name, email address, and/or Facebook account. Thanks, and spread the word!
The current playground at Greeley Park in Nashua is decades old and in poor condition. It has been well loved, enjoyed beyond its years, has rust, broken parts, and missing swings, and sits in the middle of Nashua's most attractive park. It is NOT currently accessible to individuals with disabilities. All the debate, study, and discussion in the world cannot overcome the fact that this current playground is not accessible to a significant and important portion of our population.
Nashua has an opportunity to accept a gift of $250,000 from a group of Nashua leaders, who want the City to use those funds to replace the old equipment with a new, all-accessible playground. This group has worked for two years with city officials and with licensed professionals who understand ADA compliance and access, to ensure that the new playground will be accessible within Greeley Park to all.
Let's show our support for this great project!
Visit the site listed below for updates regarding the progress of this petition, and other community news!