Shera D 0

The song "Let's Get Married" should receive a Grammy Award

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13 people have signed. Add your voice!
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"Meet me at the alter in your white dress, we ain't gettin' no younger we might as well do it..." The famous line from the song. A song that many know so well.

For 18 years, the song Let's Get Married by R&B singing group Jagged Edge has been the most popular song played at weddings around the world since the 2000's and still to this very day. No matter what the wedding nationality or background is, this song has added that special touch to make weddings complete.

Whether it be the original version released on the J.E. Hearbreak album or the SoSo Def remarkable remix produced by Jermaine Dupri featuring Rev. Run from Run DMC. This song will have you thinking about getting married, or just playing it at the next wedding you attend. It can be sang live, or simply played over a loud speaker, either way it is a wedding must have.

Jagged Edge has been overlooked for awards throughout their 21 year stretch in the music industry. Having written the majority of their songs, Jagged Edge, is one of the greatest male R&B groups to hit the scene since 1997. They are more than deserving of receiving multiple awards for their song writing skills as well as awards for best R&B songs and best R&B albums.

Just recently, Jagged Edge received the honor of having an exhibit at the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles, California by way of Jermaine Dupri and SoSo Def Recordings, the group has yet to receive a Grammy for any of their work. It's about time for that to change, don't you think?

This petition is created to be a voice to the Recording Academy and bring attention and recognition to the group. I personally believe there power in numbers. The more people that sign this petition the more awareness will come from this and the Recording Academy will see the memorable affect Jagged Edge music has had on people all around the world.

If you have ever liked or loved a song from Jagged Edge, you have heard the great skill level that goes into their music. Take a minute to sign this petition to show your love and support by being a partner in letting the world and the Recording academy know how you feel about Jagged Edge music.

Let's Get Married deserves the honor of a Grammy award.

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