Let's conserve water!
California remains in severe drought. As California imposed its first-ever statewide rules to punish water wasters, a new survey showed why state officials say the drastic measures are needed. Californians actually increased their water use amid the worst drought in decades - particularly in Southern California.
As we move further into this drought, residence could see an increase in water rates. Buena Park’s tiered rate system generally increases cost for higher water usage. In my last discussion with Bill Herbert we discussed his constant quest to reduce our water bill — one of the highest costs our community generates. We discussed possible solutions, one being a movement toward drought resistant landscaping or xeriscape.
I write this petition because I feel as a university community it’s our obligation to lead by example. With this petition I propose we investigate the feasibility of replacing our small grass areas, between the street and sidewalk, with drought resistant, native plants while still preserving the large grass areas near the pool. tot lot, and front lawns.
By signing this petition, you indicate your support of the following:
- our community as a whole needs to take steps towards further water conservation