Let’s build a Toms River Skatepark!

There are currently zero designated areas where it is legal for people to ride skateboards in Toms River. I am a skateboarder myself, and I’ve been skateboarding since the early 90’s when I was in East Dover elementary school in Toms River. We’ve never had a place to go to legally skate. As kids we would ride illegally because it was the only option. Skateboarding is not a crime, actually it’s going to be a sport in the 2020 Olympics. The rest of the world embraces skateboarding as a sport, it’s time for Toms River Township to. As an adult I currently travel to other towns to go skateboarding. I’ve run into other residents of Toms River who are also driving half an hour to find a decent place to enjoy their sport. There’s a skatepark that’s been recently built in Jackson, there’s one recently built in Barnegat, there’s one recently built in Bayville, and there one currently being built in Brick township. If they can do it, so can we. It’s been too long. It’s about time we get one built here for the residents of Toms River. Sign this petition to tell the Township officials that you support a Toms River skatepark!