DO NOT let Paris Hilton Walk Free
Typically, a petition should contain at least two things. One, it should have a purpose, and two, it should make a compelling argument. First off, I have no purpose here, other than showing my contempt for individuals in the public eye that do not deserve the time of day. Secondly, I do not think I need to make a compelling argument here to prove my point. Paris Hilton is a menace and a disgusting human being in general. Havent you all heard enough of her All you ever see of her is her well used vagina, and I am for one sick of it. She claims to be a role model, and yet we see pictures of her parts that no reasonable human should have to see. Pictures of her smoking marijuana are all over the internet, and of course we all know about her sex tape. Could anyone tell me how this makes her a beautiful role model She claims to be this generations Marilyn Monroe. Lets hope that this self fulfilling prophecy comes true and she dies by her mid thirties. Do not be misled by the OTHER petition on this website asking for her to not go to jail, lets let the world know she belongs there indefinitely!!! Lock her up and throw away the key!!! Just as an added reassurance, reading the name \"Paris Hilton\" in this context is 100% safe, and will not give you any type of sickness or disease. Try that with the real life version!!