Reunite Pamela Myles with her children Trevon, Breia, Raven and Elijah

Pamela Myles moved to Lincoln, Nebraska in 2006 from Detroit, Michigan with a plan to give my family a new start and further my education. In 2007 my children were taken away from me and placed in temporary foster care because Raven had welts on her body. Well I was living in a shelter in Nebraska and they made the assumption that I was beating on my daughter when the shelter also knew that my daughter had a rare form of eczema and she broke out from all sorts of things. Dust, sneezing, fabric softener, grass whatever. While retrieving visits with my children I took pictures and they never allowed me to use them as evidence in my case. Raven had a skin disease why did she come to my house on a visit with feces ( bowel movement) and they picked her up from school and brought her on a visit. This goes to prove that Raven had feces on her all day from school to my house and as a result of this she later on had a bladder infection and a yeast infection at a young age. Breia my oldest daughter has been molested since she has been in foster care. Nothing has been done about it. Don’t you think a child needs her mother when she/he is going through trials and tribulations. Trevon has threatened to kill himself, me and the foster parent (so they say) and all of the children are on medication without my consent for ADHD which they took it upon themselves to diagnose my children with. This case is no longer based on the fact that I allegedly beat my daughter now it is based on the fact that my children are acting out in the foster homes that they have been placed in which are foster homes of a cultural difference. I am not at all prejudice I have Caucasian friends also. Please help me save my family! The plan was to reunify my family well my grandmother passed in Oct. 2010 and when I came back from Detroit they attempted to terminate my rights so I filed an appeal. I need my family back they are probably feeling alone and left out they are young. How can you take three precious children away from their mother? (If I didn’t love my children I would not still be fighting) and give them to someone else and speak of adoption. I feel like I did not even have a second chance. I have been compliant in all that they have asked me to do and extra stuff.The caseworker is intimidated by me because I am an African American with just as much knowledge as she has I believe. What if God took your family away from you how would you feel? I also have proof of some of the things that they have done on my case due to the fact that my children were with family members. Help me Please to save my children. I thank you in Advance. Sincerely, Pamela Myles