Let Children be Children! No sex-ed for under 10's
Emma Harvey 0

Let Children be Children! No sex-ed for under 10's

88 signers. Add your name now!
Emma Harvey 0 Comments
88 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to protect ourparental rights and our young children against the use ofsexual terms in schools. Our local school has decided to start teaching sex education toour children at age 7+ yrs old. We believe this is far tooyoung for children to be subjected to sexual diagrams (man ontop of woman nude) and words like...orgasm, ejaculation and erection. We believe this is not relevant to their life until around the age of 10 when they can start to learn about puberty and so forth. The only option (as parents) is to exclude our children from these classes and thus creating a difficault situation with the child feeling'different'. I have seen the material that will be presented to mydaughter and I am appalled. Many parents in my community of Long Stratton (Norfolk)wish to start a petition against these NEW classes. Let CHILDREN beCHILDREN!

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