Let us vote on the ASCA Breed Standard in its entirety!
Peter Hellmeister 0

Let us vote on the ASCA Breed Standard in its entirety!

84 signers. Add your name now!
Peter Hellmeister 0 Comments
84 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I believe that the ASCA Breed Standard presents itself as a visionary document for our wonderful breed. The Breed Standard Review Committee worked diligently for years to present a finished product, one document. Approving changes section by section potentially leads to a piecemeal Standard and distorts what is to be accomplished.

As our dogs are put together or "built" so are breed standards crafted. Individual parts of the Breed Standard combine together in a carefully crafted document to produce a vision of the ideal Australian Shepherd.

The entire document is not meant to be read or analyzed by individual sections. Each section compliments each other and the sum of the pieces is what gives us an ideal vision of what our breed should be. To look at these revisions individually without recognizing how they all interact is not in the best interest of the breed. I sign this petition asking for the Breed Standard revisions to be voted on by the membership as presented, as one unifying document.


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