Let us speak, WCCUSD!
Dear WCCUSD Board President Madeline Kronenberg, As it is the people to whom you serve, we ask that the people be given greater access to the public comment period at all West Contra Costa Unified School District board meetings. Currently, the public comment period is held after the opening procedures, consent calendar, awards, standing reports (13 committees), and the Superintendent's report. In some cases, this is 2 hours into the meeting. As the district is large in size, serving over 30,000 children, these items require much more time than those of smaller districts. This is difficult for parents who have children. In addition to the inconvenience, there is a valid safety issue. The Superintendent stated after a meeting attendee's car was vandalized, that he could not always provide security for these meetings. One woman said she did not feel comfortable walking alone in the dark to her car without a police presence, yet that is what the WCCUSD has allowed to happen. We ask that the WCCUSD not wait until harm comes to a meeting attendee before making the necessary corrective action. Albany, Mt. Diablo, Berkeley, and John Swett Unified School Districts hold their public comment period much earlier. President Kronenberg, please move the public comment period closer to the start of the agenda. Thank you. Respectfully, The WCCUSD Community