kc logan 0

Let Them Make (Street) Art at 1802 Chambers St

140 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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140 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The Fernwood area of Victoria is a vibrant, ethnically diverse and artistic community combining small town charm with big city flair. Over the past month many of us have been impressed with the beautiful street art that has been developing on the walls of the fire damaged and empty apartment building situated at 1802 Chambers Street, on the corner of Grant. We are saddened and disappointed that this beautiful and unique art has been painted over and covered up at the request of Victoria City Mayor Lisa Helps, and respectfully request that Victoria City Council reconsiders their decision, and allows these young artists to resume their work of beautifying this ugly shell. It would be wonderful if in future they were invited do the same to other abandoned buildings which have become an eyesore within our community.

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