Let Students Choose: Elizabethtown College Dining Services
At Elizabethtown College, every student who resides on campus in a dorm must purchase a $2,480 per semester meal plan. Many institutions require only first-year students, not upperclassmen, to buy such an expensive meal plan. Elizabethtown College, however, currently mandates that each student in a dorm must spend nearly $5,000 each school year for Dining Services' food. Moreover, according to Dining Services, "Any changes will likely occur starting Fall 2015. Consideration is being given to increase Jay Buck amounts. Guest meals are not being eliminated, but possibly limited."
We the undersigned believe that on-campus
students, particularly those who have passed their first year, should be able to
provide their own food if they so choose rather than paying nearly $5,000
per year for a meal plan. Furthermore,
we believe that students who do choose to purchase such a meal plan should be
able to use their meal swipes at their own discretion. We ask that these options be instituted by
the College as soon as possible.
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