Let our kids go back to normal school

We as parents hereby file a petition for our children to return and attend schooling at International School as per normal class hours prior to Covid-19.
The children are losing out immensely when they have to home-school. It is dreadfully confusing and unstable for them to be at home one week and at school for one week. There is a lack of concentration and willingness to learn when they are at home. Us parents are not qualified teachers.
We also feel it is not justifiable for paying such term fees for us to continue with home-schooling when they can easily integrate back to school just like other schools.
Parents are going back to work and most doesn't have further annual leave, some have to go back to their businesses. A working environment is no place to bring a child to wait whilst their parents continue to function-ate in their day to day work or business.
we demand the school to reconsider the current 'one week on and one week off' so the children can resume their studies in a normal education environment.