Let Online Play Be Free On The PS4

I'm not the best in writing & grammar, but here it goes. PlayStation has kepy its ground stable since day one focusing on the gamers need. They always been about creating games, playing beyond. In the U.S. it's well know that the Xbox 360 has a bigger fanbase in the states than the PS# this generation, but that didn't stop PS3 which now has outsold the 360 worldwide because of its amazing exclusives & its biggest feature "Free Online Gaming" Since the reveal of the ps4 console it was stated that users would need a ps plus subscription to play online. This is what I consider a bad mistake. Even tho Sony has been on the gamers side for next gen about no used games policy, or always online check-in they could of scored big but they took a step backwards. Following the footsteps of the enemy. Microsoft is what some people consider a money giant. Finding new ways to gain money. Since they introduced xbox live to the world they stated racking in cash from their current 40 million plus users. Money that probably been used to gain major marketing, deals for exclusives, & more. Making gamers spend to play with their friends. Microsoft was at it again this year showing off the xbox one drm. It will probably open a gateway for publishers to start adding used games fees towards the consumers. It's also my theory on why they shed no light towards indie developers. What do EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft Studios, & Activison all have in common? They sell franchises like BF, COD, Halo, & AC that sell millions of copies. People must be sharing these games, trading them in or sell them on ebay. All these publishers can see in their eyes are more money. I think this will change gaming. Where all these huge publishers would support MS more likely for allowing them to build a fortune. Look what MS did for COD already. Sorry I feel like I'm going off topic & throwing in my opinion. I understand charging online play could bring in money, but its about making the gamers happy the right way. If I pay 60 bucks for a game. I better be able to play every content it that disc. When PS Plus what announced, it wasn't bad since it was an extra for users that would like deals for discounts & free monthly content. I don't mind if gaikai is a ps plus feature like automatic updates but online should stay free. Sony said this year at E3 that it delivers what gamers want the most without posing restrictions. Blocking online play is already a restriction to what we purchase. Not every one have money, mainly kids. POWER TO THE PLAYERS. We're the ones that feed these companies so they should listen to us on what we want. Spread The Message!!