Let Mr.Martin stay

May 22, 2015
We the students, parents, and teachers of West Adams Preparatory High school are petitioning to keep our beloved teacher, coach, and friend, Mr.Martin.
Mr.Martin has gone above and beyond with the school's expectations at West Adams. He has worked hard teaching students to fluently speak Spanish, remained committed to his Marathon Club practices including weekends, worked outside of school hours to correct Apex work, and has shared many great memories with the advisory he has been with for the past 3 years. The dedication he planted in this school is not for his own benefit but as he stated himself once, "I do it for the students." Aside from being a full-time teacher and Boston marathon finisher, he is an amazing companion to rely for support on. His 11th grade advisory students have expected to culminate and have Mr.Martin congratulate them on the day of graduation, which is a year from now. He has been an amazing advocate for all the students at West Adams. All of his students are going to miss his daily handshakes, the teachers will miss a respectful co-worker, and parents will miss having their children come home with progress or a medal around their neck. It may be "just a handshake" but it's a daily reminder of motivation to strive for success. The runners in the Marathon Club have been able to change their lifestyle, overcome anguish in any obstacle whether it's a marathon or tough situation, and best of all been inspired by the greatest.
We demand to keep him with us because he is one of the many great administrators that has truly gotten to know us and advise us. We want to improve our school so let's keep one of West Adam's valuable teachers. Let Mr.Martin stay.
"You don't have to be fast but you do have to be fearless!" -Coach Martin