Juliana W 0

Let girls at HPMS wear shorts!

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At Highland Park Middle School, the girls in seventh and eighth grade are not allowed to wear shorts. I do not think this rule is fair, because the fifth and sixth graders at the school are allowed to wear shorts, and once you leave eighth grade and go to high school, you are allowed to wear shorts again! The seventh and eighth grade girls find it unfair because when you enter seventh and eighth grade, you have many more athletic activities to do during the day, and we have to do them in long pants. I understand that the school does not want inappropriate clothing being worn to school, but as long as the shorts are an appropriate length, then they should be fine, right? There is no reason for fifth graders, sixth graders, and high schoolers being allowed to wear shorts, but not the seventh and eighth graders. It is very hot where we live, so we cannot wear shorts to cool down, we have to wear long pants. If you agree, please sign this petition and share it. Thank you!

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