Let Frenchy's Flags Fly

Denton, the town we choose to live in, is a cool place. Cool because of its history, cool because of its unsurpassed music, cool because of its unique demographics, cool because of our Square and surrounding areas, but especially cool because of the people who live here.
Andre Rheault, “Frenchy” is one of those people. Frenchy’s orange vans have been an iconic part of Denton for decades. Frenchy does a lot for the City of Denton……and when I say “a lot” that is an understatement. Frenchy is selfless when it comes to loaning anything he has to the numerous events that help define Denton.
Frenchy “adopts” parts of Denton to help keep it the beautiful town we all so love.
Frenchy is a Denton ambassador, helping keep Denton in the limelight…….which translates to a better economy.
Frenchy is dedicated to US Veterans………the people who have given so much to allow us the privilege of living in such a great country and city.
Frenchy is now being targeted by theCity of Dentonover code violations, primarily due to the constant and petty complaints ofONEindividual. Frenchy is an asset to Denton. Should the complaints of one Denton citizen overrule the fondness for Frenchy of the majority of Dentonites? Should one person cause theCity of Dentonto harass a man who does so much for Denton?
Frenchy has 15AMERICANflags flying proudly on his lot…….in a commercial area.
The City wants that reduced to one.
Codes are in place for a reason. But codes are handled with discretion on a regular basis. I know of numerous people who say they know they are “home” when they see Frenchy’s flags on Dallas Drive.
I also find it unusually coincidental that a member of Denton’s Planning and Zoning Commission (who is married to a Denton Code Enforcement official) was out-voted on a sign variance by the rest of the Commission (which used discretion and approved a larger sign at a certain location)….and within days Frenchy is targeted by Code Enforcement. Was a message being sent?
Frenchy is a part of what makes Denton…..Denton.
Frenchy is eccentric…..as is Denton.
Now is the time to show support for Frenchy who has worked from the same place on Dallas Drive for 29 years……..why is this harassment happening now?
HisAMERICANflags are a constant reminder of the greatness of our country, our town, our way of life.
Denton has a reputation for being “different”. Let’s keep it that way.
“North of Ordinary” is not just a slogan……
Shame on theCity of Dentonfor putting this man who has done so much for Denton in this position.