Lehigh Station Condo Association-ChangeWaterbillingMethod
Lehigh Station Condo Association Board &
Property Management Techniques, Inc
2560 Foxfield Road # 180
St Charles, IL 60174
630-584-0209 Office
630-377-5353 Fax
Dear Board & PMT
Many of owners in the Lehigh station condo association are not happy with recent changes to water billing method of you averaging out water bill based on previous years water bill. There are many issues and concerns that owners are facing and are not happy with the way their concerns are being addressed. Therefore we are starting this petition to request you to change the water billing method to previous method. We need accurate water bill every month like the way we used to get with no additional cost. We therefore presenting you this petition with owners signatures.
Thank you
Lehigh Station Condo association Owners