Legoland Needs Women!

Lego sets have a deplorable lack of female mini-figures. Exo-Force has 1 girl to 6 guys, Batman has 2 to 11, and Alpha Team has 2 to 8. Knight's Kingdom and Dino 2010 didn't have any female characters at all. Even in teh themes that only have generic, non-named figures, the ones that are identifiably male (with facial hair, that is) vastly outnumber the ones that are identifiably female (pouty lipstick). There ought to be more girls in Legoland, I say. So, my demands are simple: For every 'named' character who's male, there should be a female; every generic mini-fig that is identifiably masculine should have a feminine counterpart as well. Gender neutral figures don't count, though. Sign my petition and let the Lego Group know that you agree with me.