Aidan Coxon 0

Make Lego DIMENSIONS into a movie trilogy!

Aidan Coxon 0 Comments
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Lego DIMENSIONS is a top game for everyone to enjoy. Well almost everyone. But It's still a good game. Some youtubers put them up as cutscenes but we wanted Lego DIMENSIONS to be a movie not a youtube one, but a movie on the big scree. We all love this game so much we wanted Warner brothers to split it into three part movies (aka trilogy). My vision of the trilogy will be that the lego universe fraction leaders assemble to take down lord vortech and the leader of the maelstrom "Lord Maelstrom" a lost explorer who vanished after he summoned an evil maelstrom monster who took him into the imagination nexus. But they won't do it alone. Oh no! They must team up with only two teams who finds the keystones for their own gateways and the foundation elements. But the teams won't meet and join forces with each other until part three.

Here are the teams:

Team 1:

Batman (DC Comics),

Gandalf (Lord of the rings),

and Wyldstyle (LEGO movie).

Team 2:

Iron man (MARVEL),

Chell (PORTAL),

and Marty Mcfly (Back to the Future).

Extra members from parts one, two and three:

Owen Reece (Jurassic world): Team 1 (Part 1)

Laval, Eris and Cragger (Chima): Team 2 (Part 1)

Blue Team (Halo 5): Team 1 (Part 2)

Autobots (Transformers): Team 2 (Part 2)

Rebel gang (Star Wars: Rebels): Team 1 (Part 2)

Luke Skywalker and his friends after the Return of the jedi (Star Wars): Team 2 (Part 3)

Toa (bionicle reboot 2015): Team 1 (Part 3)

Hero factory team (Hero factory): Team 2 (Part 3)

Ghostbusters: (Part 3)

Midway arcade kid and 8-bit spaceship (Midway arcade): (Part 3)

The Doctor and his companion (Either Clara from series 9 or his new companion from series 10 or up (doctor who): (Part 3)

Avengers (before Captain America civil war): (part 3)

Spartan Locke and Fireteam Osiris (Halo 5): (Part 3)

GLaDos (PORTAL 2): (Part 3)

Lego universe fraction leaders (Parts 2 and 3)

But that's not all, of the petition is a success, we might see some cameos from different worlds again. Like Stan Lee from the MARVEL universe running away from the LEGO movie robots in the MARVEL dimension, Sonic the Hedgehog fighting daleks and helps the team finding the Tri at the octan tower or Mr T using a tank blasting the maelstrom on foundation prime. Anyway, if you have this petition signed I know we can make the Lego DIMENSIONS movie trilogy dream a reality. So start signing NOW!

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