Lego Batman i Aalborg (Originalsprog)

Jeg har glædet mig til at se Lego Batman Filmen i Biocity Aalborg på originalsprog, da jeg er stor fan af de stemme-skuespillere der er med, samt at jeg ikke altid føler at de danske stemmer er så gode.
Jeg finder dog i dag ud af at Biocity ikke har planlagt at vise filmen på originalsprog, pga. manglende interesse. Derfor vil jeg med denne petition gerne vise Biocity Aalborg at vi er mange der gerne vil se filmen, med de originale stemmer. Vi foreslår Biocity Aalborg at de opretter én forestilling med filmen i originalsprog, så vi der elsker gode animerede film har mulighed for at nyde denne!
Biocity har skrevet til mig (se vedlagte billede) at de vil overveje det hvis jeg kan vise dem at omkring 40 personer er interesseret, men lad os vise dem at det er mere end det! Og så ses vi i biografen til en god film!
Hi there!
I've been looking forward to seeing the Lego Batman Movie in Biocity Aalborg in the original language, as I am a big fan of the starring voice actors, and that I did do not always feel that the Danish votes are very good.
However, today i found out that Biocity has not planned to show the movie in the original language, citing lack of interest as the reason. Therefore, I made this petition to show Biocity Aalborg that we are many who would like to see the movie with the original cast. We suggest that Biocity Aalborg set up one screening of the movie in the original language, so we who love good animated movies has the opportunity to enjoy this one!
Biocity has written to me (see attached picture) that they will consider it if I can show them that about 40 people are interested, but let us show them that it's more than that! And then we'll see you in the theater to a good movie!