Let Legion Rave again

On The night/day of October,18th/19th 2008 Whom go's by the name Legion was perma-banned from Raveing in AZ due to false accusations, There are two versions of the this story, the first one go's as, Legion walks up to a girl, hands her a suspicious drink and tells her to "drink up" she went and gave the drink to security and they arrest him and kick him out and get him perma-banned the other story's go's he slipped some "15" year old girl a ruffie and was perma-banned, But here is where the stories clash, Legion was dancing outside as he was most of the night and at the time this happened; They captured him by grabbing his neck and restraining his arms telling him to go with them, he did not fight back or argue, they sat him down outside and told him to shut the fuck up,as they listened to the other kids story's [the accusers also had binkys in there mouths] and in the end they were never able to come up with ANY evidence, now if he did ruffie this girls drink [wich he didn't] then they would have the passed out girl as evidence, and if he gave another girl a "suspicious drink" then they would have the bottle/cup as evidence, but the accusers didn't come up with ANY PROOF AT ALL, Legion is very upset about being perma-banned considering he didn't do anything to deserve that, and im sure the ones that know him really know much he respects raves, and that he would not do something like that. So sign this petition if you agree that his ban should be lifted, and he should be aloud to rave again in the state of AZ.