Legalize Marijuana
David Gartner 0

Legalize Marijuana

21 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
David Gartner 0 Comments
21 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I am propsing a petition to legalize marijuana in the state of Nebraska for person(s) 21 (twenty-one) years of age and older. Marijuana is an herb that comes naturally from the earth, beer, wine, ect. is a man made drug, one that causes an actual chemical dependency. Marijuana is infact not nearly as harmful or deadly as alcohol or cigarettes. It is a medical fact that Marijuana users live an average of ten years longer than the average non-smoker, reason being that the person(s)that use marijuana have significantly lower amounts of stress. Marijuana is also an extrodinary aid in pain, it has less side effects, slim to no withdraw symptoms, and more controllable than say oxycontin, vicodin, perkiset, ect. Which all these drugs eventually do lead to physical dependency, some faster than others. And worst of all they can lead to a painful slow death, or accidental/suicidal overdose. How many times do you hear of a person dying from pills or alcohol And how many times do you hear of someone overdosing on marijuana. We need to weigh the facts there is a pill for everything out there anymore, whether you have a problem or not. But pot, its an herb, its a plant, its made by nature, opposed to made by man. So im asking people to stand behind me on this lets do something about it. Even if you dont smoke it yourself anymore, or you never have i would greatly appreciate all of your support that i can get and please pass this petition to friends and encourage them to send to friends and so on. So come on folks if we dont do something then who will So sign already! FREE TOMMY CHONG!!!!!!!!!!!

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