“Petition to Legalize the Use of Supplemental Pellet Feeders in Mississippi on Private Lands”

“Petition to Legalize the Use of Supplemental Pellet Feeders in Mississippi on Private Lands” We the citizens/voters of Mississippi along with the non-resident hunters petition the Mississippi Wildlife & Fisheries to: “Allow the use of Supplemental Feeding by use of Pellet Feeders on private lands and hunting clubs within Gun / Bowhunter's food plots(Removal of Line of Sight restriction).” Hunting clubs can choose to include in their bylaws that no supplemental feeding be used by members (This choice is up to Hunting Club members to vote on). The MDWFP has the right to restrict/prohibit the use of Supplemental Feeding by use of Pellet Feeders on public lands such as WMA properties owned and governed by the state of Mississippi. Why legalize Supplemental Feeding by use of Pellet feeders during Deer season? 1) Provides a much needed food source 2) Healthy for Doe's nursing their fawns According to http://www.buckmanager.com/2010/01/28/feeding-soybeans-to-supplement-white-tailed-deer/#more-924 3) Corn only offers 6 to 7% protein, soybeans average about 40% protein, and protein pellets offers on average 20% protein. 4) Supplemental Feeding helps keep the deer population health 5) Let’s not confuse baiting deer with supplementing deer. Baiting deer with corn can be great for attracting deer for the purpose of harvest, but corn is not a supplement. A true supplement adds nutritional value to an individual deer’s diet. 6) Protein is great, but deer can not survive on protein alone. Important micronutrients for whitetail include calcium, phosphorous, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc, and vitamins A and E. This is where protein pellets pull away, so to speak, from whole or roasted soybeans.