Legalize marijuana
Did you know ever since 1996 marijuana has been legal in California? Every year California produces more than 220,000 pounds of herbs. Marijuana also known as “pot” or cannabis is grown in many places all over the world. The main ingredient in marijuana is delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol also known as THC which gets people “high”. Recreational weed is also legal in 9 states and medical weed is legal in 29 states. From 2011-2015 74 percent of convictions in Alabama is for felony marijuana possession. Legalizing marijuana in all 50 states would help not just the people of the United States but also help the law system/government.
Cannabis originally evolved in Central Asia which eventually went through Africa,Europe,and then America. Around the early 1600s Virginia,Massachusetts,and Connecticut colonies required farmers to grow cannabis. Finally around 1830 Sir William Brooke O'Shaughnessy found out that cannabis extracts could help stomach pain and vomiting for people who were suffering from cholera and improved the sick people who were suffering from cholera to eat and not throw it back up. Cannabis can help epileptic seizures, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and etc.
Currently at UAB in Birmingham, Alabama there is a study on how cannabis oil helps epileptic seizures. Which is another reason marijuana should be legal in all 50 states. Cannabidiol or CBD oil has been proven to reduce the number of seizures. In the study there was 72 children and 60 adults at 12 week check up seizure severity,adverse effect, and seizures frequency was reduced dramatically more than 60 percent of the group improved studies like this and many more are my reason cannabis should be legal in all 50 states
Another major reason cannabis should be legal is because cannabinoids help people with Parkinson disease. Parkinson disease is a disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement often tremors or tics. Cannabis can contain two different types of molecules agonist that attaches to the receptor and antagonist attaches to the receptor but blocks the action of the natural chemicals.
The final reason marijuana should be legal in all 50 states is because it helps with cancer in many ways. Cannabis does not make cancer disappear but it helps the effects of cancer. Many studies have found that marijuana smoked or vaporized can help neuropathic pain. Also patients have found out smoking cannabis helps nausea and vomiting.
In conclusion weed does not hurt you it may get you “high” but once you smoke so much it really doesn’t fade you no more. Weed is a plant for goodness sake it literally came from mother earth itself. I personally do not understand why people are making such a big deal over smoking weed it’s been around for a long time. Those are many of the reason cannabis should be legal.