Legalize international copyright protection by international court of justice for ideas which can start new businesses.
We know ideas cannot be copyright protected. But the importance and value of an idea is so much more than we think. Most of the time an idea is the first step to start a business. There are so many examples in this world where a lot of businesses started with an idea. And there are cases where so many businesses stared with another person’s idea and the person didn’t get any recognition or value for his/her idea. Let me give an example of how much an idea is valuable, to build a new software there are hundreds of thousands of software engineers in the world who can program the software but without an idea of a new software these programmers are worthless to build a new software. If an idea can be copyright protected only then the person who has a constructive idea will get recognized and valued.
There will be no monopoly business if ideas can be copyright protected because the owner of a copyright protection of an idea must sell or share the copyright to whoever wants to buy it. And there should be a properly authorized government sector who will determine the price of the idea negotiated with the copyright owner.
There should be arrangements by governments all over the world, for those who want to copyright their ideas will get international copyright protection. If someone gets a copyright protection from his/her own country then the copyright should be protected by every country in the world.
It takes too long to copyright something, which is 3 to 4 months. But in case of getting a copyright protection for an idea it should take maximum 1 week. If someone claims an infringement then the authority should take decision by considering who applied first for the copyright protection. So someone’s first applying date is an important issue, so there should be no corruption made by authority. And the claimer should file an infringement application to the local copyright authority and if it does not solve the issue then he/she should file a case to whichever court he/she wants.
Most importantly,
As we know International Court of Justice (ICJ) only settles disputes between states in accordance with international law and gives advisory opinions on international legal issues. It is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations. A state or country is built by its people. So, some issues of general people which can make an effect internationally should be supported by ICJ and UN. That is why I have chosen ICJ to settle it down. I think only ICJ and UN can make it possible.
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