Legalize Marijuana
Pot Legalization Organization 0

Legalize Marijuana

2396 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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2396 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Welcome to the Pot Legalization Organization (P.L.O.) We are a group determined to fight for the legalization of marijuana. We will prove through research and other proof that marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol or tobacco, in fact it is proven to be beneficial to long term and short term health with the only side affect being a great feeling of euphoria. Therefore, marijuana should be legalized. Law enforcement should stop arresting smokers for simply taking up a private hobby which bothers no one and simply affects the smoker in a positive way (relieves stress, nausea,stimulates appetite, and relieves insomnia). Get involved in the Drug War and let them know where you stand. We should follow the examples of other respected countries around the world decriminalizing marijuana for personal,economical, industrial, and medical reasons(Holland, Britain, Canada, Spain, etc...). AMERICA, GET WITH THE PROGRAM!


We are the P.L.O. (Pot Legalization Organization), a group determined to fight for an end to pot prohibition. We are based in Miami, Fl and we hope to gain support both locally, and from fellow potsmokers across the nation. Contact us at and visit our website at

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