Legalise the pitbull in the uk

The BSL are taking away dog's because of their breed and look. Most of which animals have done nothing at'll wrong and are very loving, friendly animal's. American Pit Bull Terrier's are banned in the United Kingdom and are classed as a 'Dangerous dog' although this is very far from the truth!. Unban this wonderful breed, The American Pit Bull - The most victimized breed of dog ever to exist. What the media won't show you... how good these dogs actually are. Pitbulls have been around since the 1800's. They haven't done anything apart from being Friendly, Loving, Playful, Happy animalsare abused by bad owners for bets, which lead to serious injuries. But pitbulls are seen as scary, mean, agressive, dangerous, etc because people are usually only shown the governments/police's point of view, which isn't right. But most of the good owners can tell you that Pitbulls are like family to them, bestfriends, they are always there for them violent or not, they aren't normally agressive, they are just like any other dog who deserv the right to be with any family in any country who are responsable, without any stereotypes!