Leesville Road Highschool Walk-Out Against Violence in our Schools

Students at Leesville Road Highschool are organizing a school-wide walk-out against violence in school, namely gun violence.
After the attacks in Parkland, Florida and all over the world, it is apparent now more than ever that something needs to change!
We are planning this walk-out, March 14th, and asking other students too attend and demand safety in schools. We have talked to administration and the school board has put out a statement saying that no students will be punished for participating in the walkout, as long as we let the school know what we are doing.
We know this looks like an end too gun violence, and more.
This looks like:
-More resources for our teachers
-Better and more counselors
-No more School Resources Officers
-No more zero-tolerance policies for minor conflicts
-All gender restrooms
-Stopping the harassment of black and brown students
-Reforms to the sexist, racist dresscode
-and much more!
We are asking all students who are interested in participating in this walkout to sign this petition and let us know we have your support!
Message our insta: @lrhswalkout for more details!