Leeds University must suspend racist Professor Andrew Hill

784 signers. Add your name now!
784 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Professor Andrew Hill lectures on the Individuals and Populations module at Leeds Medical School.

During these lectures Professor Hill has stated that black students are inferior and less intelligent than white students. He also blames ethnic minorities for health inequalities and poorer morbidity and mortality rates.

We are a group of 2nd and 3 year medical students who feel he must be stopped. The complaints procedures created by the University serve to protect staff and to punish students who dare to speak up.

We have created this petition as a way to highlight this very serious problem, and hopefuly trigger a change.

Update 22.7.2020

The University continues to say the politically correct thing about being committed to diversity but as of now there has been no evidence of change.

It is with much regret that we feel the need to escalate our concerns. We are asking everyone to share this petition, write to your GP, write to the hospitals, tell everyone that Leeds medical school has racist lecturers.

We urge you to take action now! Students taught by racist professors are being trained to be biased against BAME patients

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