Safeguard Pembroke and its limits

We, the undersigned, can no longer watch silently as short-sighted decisions and greed continues to undermine all that makes Pembroke special, and object to the planning application number
PA/05547/18 on the grounds that if the development went ahead, it would result in significant problems, such as but not limited to the following:
- Lack of Sunlight and/or Heat
This will affect:
- Those who have an installation PV systems, solar water heaters and/or any related equipment which needs sunlight.
- Residents next door who will be shut out completely from direct sun light, hence affecting the temperature in the premises, the drying of clothes etc.
- An invasion of Privacy
This will affect:
- Residents with uncovered areas, roofs, outdoor spaces which will be ruined having people looking down upon them.
- Environmental impacts and Pollution
Due to the fact that:
- The rest of the houses in the street are at the same plan, hence this will be an eyesore.
- An increase in people, results in noise pollution.
- More residents means more cars and lack of car spaces, which is already a problem residents are facing in this area.
- Shutting out direct sun light for residents, will be a shutting out of renewable energy sources as well which is not sustainable at all.
- The lift room installation would cause more noise nuisance to residents and cause problems to the dranage system.
- Commercial Business and a ‘Go-ahead’ for further Planning Applications
- Residents agreed to the Development Planning Act 1992 Section 33, upon residing which clearly stated it is a residential area, hence no commercial plans should go through.
- If this permit goes through, it will encourage further planning applications with the same interest to go forward, ruining the rural side of Pembroke and making it an urban city, the same which happened to Swieqi.
- Negligence and lack of safety
i. An investigation should be carried out to ensure safety for all residents. Previous cases have shown that underneath the premises and garages, there is no solid, strong base to build upon - this may result to the collapsing of buildings if it goes through, putting residents’ lives at danger.
Due to the above, we object to this abusive development application and call on the Planning Authority to uphold planning and out-rightly refuse this detrimental and unacceptable development which they may so what call ‘Sustainable’.
Details of Planning Application
Location of development: 28, Kangaroo, Triq il-Kurunell Cocks, Pembroke, Malta.
Description of works: To demolish washroom at second floor level plus construction of extension at second, third and penthouse levels to existing dwelling plus other additions and alternations.
Applicant: Joseph Pace
Architect: Falzon & Cutajar