Lean Right for 30 Days
Geoff Schutte 0

Lean Right for 30 Days

17 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Geoff Schutte 0 Comments
17 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Liberals and left-leaners:

Please join the 30 Day "Lean Right Challenge." Starting on Thursday September 15th until Saturday October 15th, participants in the "Lean Right 30 Day Challenge" agree to give up their mainstream media sources and only follow conservative newscasts, radio broadcasts, print and social media.

The purpose: to see what 30 days of pure conservative news, talk, and media will do to your political sensibilities, your understanding of the other side, and your ability to understand political bias in today's media.

The task is simple: starting on September 15th, start by turning off NPR, deleting the Times and Post app from your phone, put your New Yorkers in a bin somewhere, and unplug from whatever other news sources your traditionally consume. THEN, download the Fox News app, turn on the AM dial, snuggle up to Fox & Friends, and dive into the world of conservative media.

Just 30 commutes to work. 4 Sunday mornings. 2 Presidential debates.

Acceptable Sources:

Wall Street Journal

Fox News


The National Review

The Drudge Report

Conservative Talk Radio (you choose)

Not Acceptable:


New York Times

Washington Post

New Yorker

The Daily Show


The Facebook Issue:

Please be cognizant that while your Facebook wall is a collection of other people's posts, most people's walls tend to be filled with commentary from your political affinity (see NY Times article). So...while some people may not be ready to give up Facebook cold turkey, please be careful to avoid too many of your lefty friends' posts)

Delete them from your phone.

Don't turn on that car radio.

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