STTA President - Lee Bee Wah Please Step Down! (PETITION CLOSED)

Dear all, We have reached a stage where further action on our part is no longer necessary as decisions have been made by the relevant parties. Ms Lee Bee Wah has apologized, whether she is sincere or just paying lip service is for her to know and for us to guess. We have to move on from here and continue to lend our unwavering support to the coaches and players of STTA in their effort to bring us the coveted gold medal in 2012. Whatever our differences may be, I beseech all of you to stand united in this common cause and look forward to more successes from Team Singapore. Majulah Singapura! ------------------------- PS: Many thanks to those who have taken time and effort to sign the petition. While we may not be able to achieve our objective, we have at least spoken our mind and let our feelings known to the relevant parties. Take care and goodbye!