Ban puppy farms in the Uk
This petition will be sent to the Welsh Assembly Government, Camarthenshire Council and to the Prime Minister to help to Ban puppy farms in the Uk & to BAN 3rd party sales of pups to Pet shops. Especially focusing on Camarthenshire and also South and West Wales. I also have the same petition printed for signatures within my workplace and also within my local area. So far I have only 100 signatures/names, I would like to get atleast a 1,000. As a student Veterinary Nurse, I see it as my duty to help ALL animals as much as I can and this is something I feel very strongly about. Thankyou Lauren Guest SVN We the undersigned, petition the Welsh Assembly Government, Camarthenshire Council and the Prime Minister to Ban puppy farms in the Uk & to BAN 3rd party sales of pups to Pet shops.