Jake Koehnke 0

Latitude Residents Against Fetch

205 signers. Add your name now!
Jake Koehnke 0 Comments
205 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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  1. Starting 01 JAN 2021, Latitude apartments will refuse to accept packages for residents, in which residents must use the Fetch delivery service. Below are a list of concerns that some Latitude residents share:
  • Fetch has an awful reputation and reviews
  • Additional 3rd Party intervention with packages (risk of theft)
  • Offsite package holding (Alexandria)
  • Longer delivery times
  • Terms of service limit their liability to only $500 per package
  • Those who have very time sensitive packages (medications, etc.) may be put at risk if there are no delivery windows left in the day
  • Reputation for delivery delays of 1+ days on a regular basis
  • No transparency in tracking on-time vs. delayed deliveries and making sure that the residents don't suffer from this change (residents not getting Amazon Prime benefits due to Fetch delay)
  • They can just put a package at your door, take a picture so it looks like it's delivered, and then steal it.

If you share any or all of the concerns above, then please sign this petition. Latitude Apartments should have consulted with residents before this change and they did not. There is absolutely zero transparency from Latitude in which they are putting residents mail at risk with a horribly reviewed 3rd party service.

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