Grant Larry Brian Loss a Governor's Pardon
Michelle Sneller 0

Grant Larry Brian Loss a Governor's Pardon

241 signers. Add your name now!
Michelle Sneller 0 Comments
241 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Larry Loss is a resident of the great state of Michigan. June of 1988, a year after he graduated high school, he was sentenced for a 1st degree C.S.C. and sentenced 6 to 20 years. In the middle of his sentence The Innocence Project used DNA evidence to show it was not Larry that committed the crime; it was his brother (great brother huh?). Larry's brother confessed to a relative that he did commit the crime; then fled to Logan, Utah. Prosecution conveniently lost this evidence and kept Larry in prison for another 4 years. The reason I feel this happened is that the state would owe Larry restitution and the other party involved was a girl who was going to an “Ivy League” learning institution. Larry comes from a poor family with many health problems. Interestingly, Larry's attorney during this time is now the State Prosecuting Attorney in the county where this injustice happened. Larry's total sentence was 16 years; however he still feels like he is in prison. Larry needs your help, he has to register as a sex offender for a crime he didn't commit which means he can't find a job, housing; he can't even go to college to better himself. Larry's only hope is a Governor's pardon because he cannot simply get his record expunged due to the type of crime. Any signature helps, especially those from Michigan. We would like as many signatures as possible in the next month because it is an election year. Larry thanks for for helping him clear his name.


Larry is Innocent Project


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