Landlords Charging Unnfair High Rent Rates for Low Income People In Canada
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

Each day there are thousands of landlords over charging for their private residential premises(houses or duplex's)and its time they must be stopped.When landlords are making Low-income individuals pay over $850.00 plus utilities for a 1 bedroom house,or $950-$1,200 plus utilities for a tiny 2 bedroom house,we must take a stand! By signing my petition,I'd like to make our opinions heard and put a stop to this landlord gouging and to increase the rent rates to 75% of the median market rate.
Trying to pay their mortgage is one thing,but getting greedy and making us pay for 70%-80% more rent is another,especially if you have to pay utilities on the side!!Once this petition is filled,I'll be sending it to the Provincial Gov't, to see if we can make a law to prevent these people from price gouging on rent.It will also ask them to increase the rent rates to the 75% Median market rate, to keep pace with inflation each year.With less than a 1% rent vacancy rate,they cannot do this to people who can not afford proper rent!! By speaking out and signing this petition,your voice will be heard and the more people sign,the Gov't will understand how serious the situation is!Thank you for your time!